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This Christmas, help us help others!

Throughout the year we help people around us in various ways. Your gift today will help us to continue:
1.) Monthly food for the kids at the orphanage in Roman, Bulgaria. Every month we help to offset the cost of feeding 60-80 kids ages 3-18.
2.) Homeless/Street ministry. We regularly walk through our neighborhood and the rest of the city, meeting and befriending people who live on the streets and/or in extreme poverty. With your help, we are able to help with food, clothing and medicine.
3.) Programs/events. We regularly host events such as Bible studies, youth events, men’s groups and more. Your generous gifts help us to cover the costs of these events so that we can continue to serve the people in our community and to point them toward Jesus.

Every dollar you donate goes toward these financial needs, and every dollar is appreciated!

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We work with an incredible organization called BEAUTIFUL FEET, which helps missionaries like us around the world by handling administrative tasks and by helping with ministry goals, accountability and other important details. BF receives donations on our behalf, and then sends us a paycheck. Everyone on staff at BF is either bi-vocational or supported just like we are, so almost every penny of your donation makes its way to us in the field.

To donate, click the button below. The BF website will open in a new window. Click on ‘Donate’ in the menu, then choose ‘0355 – The BigHouse Foundation’ from the drop down under ‘Special Funds & Projects.‘[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”DONATE” style=”custom” custom_background=”#dd3333″ custom_text=”#ffffff” align=”center” link=”||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Generally, we prefer donations to go through Beautiful Feet. However, from time to time it is more convenient and faster to accept gifts through PayPal. If you have a PayPal account, you can send a gift directly to, or you can use the link below. Please keep in mind that money sent through PayPal is not tax-deductible!

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